
Privacy Statement

RechtNL  verwerkt persoonsgegevens zodat zij haar dienstverlening correct uit kan voeren. De grondslag voor de verwerking berust op een overeenkomst of doordat u als bezoeker toestemming hebt gegeven voor de verwerking van uw persoonsgegevens. Bijvoorbeeld zodat wij u via onze nieuwsbrieven en blogs op de hoogte kunnen brengen van recente ontwikkelingen. Mocht u geen prijs meer stellen op informatie, laat het ons dan weten. RechtNL zal dan uw verzoek verwerken.


Om de diensten van RechtNL af te kunnen nemen, is het noodzakelijk dat RechtNL uw persoonsgegevens ontvangt. Om ervoor te zorgen dat we niet meer persoonsgegevens ontvangen dan strikt noodzakelijk, vragen we enkel die gegevens die nodig zijn om de overeenkomst uit te kunnen voeren. Te denken valt dan aan bedrijfsnaam, naam contactpersoon, adres, telefoonnummer, financiële gegevens. Deze gegevens zijn alleen beschikbaar voor medewerkers van RechtNL die bevoegd zijn hiervan kennis te nemen. Deze gegevens worden bewaard overeenkomstig de vereisten die de wet- en regelgeving hieraan stelt.

Medewerkers RechtNL

Als juridische dienstverlener zien wij erop toe dat onze medewerkers vertrouwelijk omgaan met uw persoonsgegevens. Hierdoor wordt deze verplichting in de arbeidsovereenkomst opgenomen. Natuurlijk heeft niet iedereen binnen onze organisatie toegang tot uw persoonsgegevens. RechtNL selecteert zorgvuldig de persoonsgegevens die een medewerker nodig heeft. Onze IT-infrastructuur is bovendien zodanig ingericht dat medewerkers persoonsgegevens niet kunnen opslaan op een device waar RechtNL geen controle over heeft.


U kunt ons op diverse manieren bereiken, telefonisch, per email en zelfs via de chatfunctie op onze website. Dat is wel zo klantvriendelijk. Omdat u als ondernemer een drukke agenda hebt, begrijpen wij als geen ander dat u snel geholpen wilt worden bij vragen. Hierdoor is ons systeem zodanig ingericht dat we meteen weten welke klant contact met ons zoekt zodat we in kunnen staan voor een persoonlijke behandeling. Om onze klantvriendelijke behandeling te kunnen aanbieden, maken wij gebruik van uw gegevens en maken we aantekeningen in het dossier die we bewaren. Deze aantekeningen kunt u ook terugvinden in de online omgeving. Handig als u het nog een keer terug wilt zoeken. Afhankelijk van de vraag kunnen we gebruik maken van een andere partij voor het geven van antwoord op uw vragen. Dit zal dan een aan RechtNL aangesloten advocatenkantoor zijn die vanzelfsprekend een beroepsgeheim heeft. Het advocatenkantoor kan daarvoor uw gegevens gebruiken. In dat geval zullen we u natuurlijk van tevoren informeren. RechtNL staat namelijk voor transparantie richting haar klanten.


RechtNL maakt gebruik van cookies om de website te optimaliseren. Sommige cookies worden geplaatst door diensten van derden die op onze pagina’s worden weergegeven. Met derden wordt bedoeld Google Analytics, Social Media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter), Ideal, Mollie en Tradetracker. Op het gebruik van cookies van andere bedrijven (derden) is het privacy- en cookiebeleid van het betreffende bedrijf van toepassing.

Cookies zijn kleine tekstbestanden die door het bezoek aan een website worden meegestuurd om gebruikerservaringen van bezoekers efficiënter te maken. Volgens de wet mogen wij cookies op uw apparaat opslaan als ze strikt noodzakelijk zijn voor het gebruik van de website. Voor alle andere soorten cookies hebben we uw toestemming nodig.

Meer informatie over cookies vind u hier.

Doorgifte van persoonsgegevens

RechtNL zal de persoonsgegevens die zij verwerkt niet voor andere doeleinden aanwenden dan waarvoor u toestemming hebt gegeven ten tijde van het sluiten van de overeenkomst. RechtNL zal dus geen gegevens verkopen of aan derden de toegang verschaffen.


RechtNL zal geen informatie bijhouden over uw zoektochten op internet. Dit betekent dat RechtNL de informatie niet kan koppelen aan een natuurlijke persoon.

Opslag persoonsgegevens

RechtNL slaat alle data en persoonsgegevens in Nederland op bij haar datacenter die ISO27001 gecertificeerd is. RechtNL heeft met haar leverancier afspraken gemaakt dat zij geen toegang heeft tot de persoonsgegevens die RechtNL  verwerkt. Bovendien wordt de data versleuteld opgeslagen. Het datacenter heeft ook gegarandeerd te zullen voldoen aan de stand van de techniek. Hierdoor zullen gepaste organisatorische en technische maatregelen worden genomen indien dit op grond van de wet- en regelgeving is vereist. Hierdoor wordt de veiligheid en de beveiliging van het netwerk en de persoonsgegevens gewaarborgd.

Rechten met betrekking tot persoonsgegevens

Zodra RechtNL een verzoek ontvangt zal zij hieraan gehoor geven. Dit betekent dat afhankelijk van het verzoek, RechtNL zorg zal dragen voor inzage in de door RechtNL verwerkte gegevens, aanpassing of verwijdering daarvan. U kunt uw verzoek indienen per email naar of telefonisch via 085 25000 44.

The protection of your privacy and personal data is important to Rechtshulp. Rechtshulp processes personal data as a data controller in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. This Privacy Statement was last updated on 25 May 2018. Rechtshulp may unilaterally change or update this Privacy Statement by amending this page. The date of the most recent update is specified above. Continuing to use this website implies agreement with this Privacy Statement. We kindly request that you check this page regularly. If significant changes are made to this Privacy Statement, a notice will be published on our website.

When does this Privacy Statement apply?

This Privacy Statement is applicable with respect to all personal data processed by Rechtshulp, through its website (, its social media (including its LinkedIn page) and its newsletters/alerts which are sent by e-mail. In addition, this Privacy Statement applies to all personal data processed by Rechtshulp in connection with its legal services, including but not limited to the data received and processed by the insolvency trustees at Rechtshulp in the bankruptcies in which they have been (or will be) appointed. This Privacy Statement also applies if you contact us, for example to apply for a job.

How do we collect your personal data? Rechtshulp collects your personal data in the following ways:

When you communicate with us directly by e-mail, letter, fax or telephone, for example if you have questions regarding our online facilities (website, LinkedIn), but also if you wish to engage us our legal services;
If you sign up for our newsletter;
If you sign up for an in-house training course;
If you sign up for an external or in-house seminar, convention or event;
If you subscribe and/or follow us on our social media pages (LinkedIn and/or Twitter);
If you or a third party acting on your behalf shares personal data with us in another manner, for example by entering into an agreement with us, by providing information through our website, by providing us with your business card and/or by applying for a job or internship with us. Such information may include special categories of personal data;
By collecting personal data through other sources, such as the Trade Register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce or a non-Dutch equivalent, the Land Registry Office, the Central Insolvency Register or other public sources, or via other parties such as counterparties, consultants and advisors;
Through analyses of our technical tools and services, including our website and LinkedIn page.
Who is responsible for your personal data? Rechtshulp BV (“ Rechtshulp”), registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KvK) under the number 85547379, is the controller of your personal data.

For what purposes does Rechtshulp process your personal data?

Legal services

We need to process your personal data to advise and represent you effectively, and processing is therefore necessary in the context of rendering our legal services. This applies also (but not only) to our insolvency trustees who gain access to external records and documentation in the course of performing their duties.

If you or your company/organisation are a client of ours, Rechtshulp is legally obliged to process certain information about you. For example, Rechtshulp must at all times establish the identity of its clients (Article 1 (c) and (d) of the Dutch Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Act (“Wwft”). Rechtshulp therefore also collects personal data to comply with the legal and regulatory requirements. Rechtshulp also processes personal data in order to be able to contact you.

In the situations described above, we process at least the following personal data: your given name and surname, gender, title, job title, e-mail address, telephone number and the name of the company/organisation where you work, your legal relationship with respect to others, address details and any other information that you provide to us. Additionally, dietary and access requirements may be registered in connection with your attendance of meetings. We also process financial information, for example in the context of payment for our services.

If required by law, we may also process a photocopy of your passport. We do not share these personal data with third parties, unless this is necessary for the performance of the contract or unless you instruct us to do so. Rechtshulp will keep your personal data no more than eight years following completion and termination of our legal services to you.

Please note that, until you have received our engagement letter in which our representation is confirmed, there is no attorney-client privilege. We therefore kindly ask you not to send us confidential information until that time.

Marketing and business development activities

If you subscribe to a newsletter or sign up for a particular event, or if you send us an e-mail or job application, we process your personal data in connection with that newsletter, event, e-mail or job application. We may also send you newsletters, publications or invitations at our own initiative. We also process personal data in the context of our legal obligations or, if relevant, in the context of rendering our services. The ways in which we process personal data are explained below.

Mailings Rechtshulp processes your personal data to keep in touch with you. We use a variety of methods, such as newsletters, publications and client alerts, to inform our clients about the latest developments in our areas of expertise. If you wish, we will also inform you about the training courses, seminars, conferences which we provide externally and in-house, as well as about anniversaries and other matters and events concerning our firm that we believe might be of interest to you. We also process statistics with a view to improving our legal and technology-based services and the related marketing activities.

If you wish to receive these newsletters, publications, alerts and/or invitations, you can subscribe by leaving your e-mail address by means of this link. You can unsubscribe at any time by means of this link.

If you subscribe to our newsletters or other information, we will process at least the following information: your given name and surname, title, job title, e-mail address, gender, the name of the company/organisation where you work, your address details if relevant and the topics for which you wish to receive updates (sector-specific preferences). Dietary and access requirements may also be registered in the context of attending courses, seminars and/or events.

We will retain your information until you withdraw your consent or – if you have specifically indicated this – during the period for which you have given us your consent. You can withdraw or alter your consent at any time by means of this link.

Social media Rechtshulp has its own LinkedIn page, to which you may subscribe without any further obligation. Through our LinkedIn page we will inform you of the latest developments within the practice areas covered by our advice and assistance, new colleagues, training courses, seminars and conferences which we organise, and other matters and events concerning our firm that we think might be of interest to you. Rechtshulp may also start using Twitter and/or Facebook in the future.

If you subscribe to our LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook page, we will process the following information: your given name and surname, title, job title, your contact details such as e-mail address and social media page, the company/organisation where you work and what articles we have posted that you find interesting.

Please be aware that, if you choose to subscribe to our LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook page, this may be visible to other users of that social media platform. This also applies if you choose to share a contribution on our page via social media.

This Privacy Statement does not apply to those processing activities. If you wish to find out more about the privacy measures adopted by those third parties, you must request the relevant privacy statement from the third party.

We will retain your data until you withdraw your consent or – if you have specifically indicated this – during the period for which you have explicitly given us your consent. You can withdraw or alter your consent at any time.


Through our website, we process your personal data for technical and functional analysis of the website for the purpose of generating statistics and in order to analyse and/or improve our website. The personal data which are or may be processed through our website are: information about the device that you used to visit our website, including IP addresses and information regarding your visit, including the pages viewed. Such information will be processed in statistics regarding: functionality (is the page easy to find?), error messages (are there pages which do no not load properly?) and relevance (is the webpage still relevant?). The personal data which we collect for these purposes will be retained for two months. The date will may also be used to promote our services.

If you send an e-mail through our website to or if you contact us by telephone, we will process your personal data in order to answer your question or process your comments. These data will also be deleted within two months.

Cookies Rechtshulp uses cookies on its website. A cookie is a small text file which is installed on your computer by a web browser. We use cookies in order to communicate over the internet and/or in the context of rendering our services.

You can disable cookies by changing your browser settings. Please note that this may affect the website’s functionality. By using the website without changing your settings, you consent to our use of cookies.

Job applications

If you apply for a job or an internship with Rechtshulp or sign up one of our recruitment activities and services, we will process and retain the following data: given name and surname, date of birth, address details, telephone number, e-mail address and other personal data contained in your application. These data will only be collected and processed during the application process and will be deleted within four weeks after the application process has been completed, if the application was unsuccessful. Only if you consent will we will retain your data for no more than one year. If the application is successful, we will retain your personal data for no more than two years after the end of your employment, unless the law dictates otherwise.

Legal grounds for processing personal data

We process your personal data on the basis of one or more of the following legal grounds:

Performing a contract, for example an agreement for rendering legal services;
For establishing, bringing and defending against legal claims or proceedings;
Complying with legal or regulatory obligations;
A legitimate interests;

Who has access to your personal data?

Your personal data will be processed by our legal support staff, assist with mailing newsletters, publications, alerts and invitations and posting online items about topical issues, legal developments and blogs on our webpage and social media pages. To the extent necessary, your personal data will be shared with the relevant attorneys, for instance if you have subscribed to receiving sector-specific information. Rechtshulp uses an external party for specific processing activities, including information which is processed through the website. Rechtshulp has entered into a data processing agreement with this external party, which is called The Sourcing Company. We also share personal data for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement with external parties such as IT providers (as mentioned above), communication service providers and other third parties who Rechtshulp engages to provide certain support services. In those cases, Rechtshulp will ensure that a data processing agreement is in place.

In certain circumstances, personal data will be shared with other parties, including but not limited to third parties whose involvement is necessary for the legal services, such as judicial authorities, bailiffs, translators, accountants, arbitrators, data room providers, counterparties and government agencies. We will also share personal data if we are so required by law. Lastly, we may share personal data with third parties that are involved in the organisation or hosting of an event or seminar. Rechtshulp does not sell your personal data.

How do you handle links to other websites and social media?

From time to time, Rechtshulp may refer to third parties and/or their websites. Although we have selected these third parties with care, we are not responsible for the processing of your personal data through these websites or by these third parties. This Privacy Statement is not applicable to those websites.

Please note that, if you choose to subscribe to our LinkedIn page, this will be visible to other LinkedIn users. This also applies if you choose to share one of our posts or contributions on our LinkedIn page via social media. This Privacy Statement is not applicable to those processing activities.

How are your personal data protected and secured? Rechtshulp processes your personal data with the utmost confidentiality. Rechtshulp has taken appropriate technical and organisational security measures to ensure an appropriate level of protection for your personal data. Your personal data will be stored on secured Dutch servers. We use various digital security technologies such as encryption, firewalls and secured serves to ensure that your personal data are not processed without appropriate authorisation.

All our staff have instructions regarding organisational security measures, such as a data breach protocol; the substance of this Privacy Statement; the necessity of obtaining consent for sending newsletters and information for other marketing purposes; and the necessity of protecting their passwords and/or devices at all times.

Your rights

You have the following rights in connection with the processing of your personal data:

The right of access. You may request access to your personal data. There may be circumstances in which we are entitled to refuse access to your personal data;
The right of rectification with regard to inaccurate or incomplete personal data;
The right to be forgotten. Please note that there may be circumstances in which we are required to retain your data, for example in order to satisfy a legal obligation;
The right to object or request restriction of processing. Again, in certain circumstances, we might not be obliged to comply with such requests;
The right to data portability. This means that you have the right to receive your personal data in a commonly used and structured format and have the right to transmit the data to another controller;
The right to object to profiling;
The right to lodge an objection or a complaint with the supervisory authority (the Dutch DPA);
The right to withdraw your consent. Again, in certain circumstances, we are entitled to continue to process your personal data, especially if the processing is necessary for compliance with our legal obligations.
Who should you contact if you have questions or requests?

If you have any questions, requests or complaints regarding our processing of your personal data, you can contact Rechtshulp by sending an email to